The First Step to Your Dream Life Style
In the last few days in Chiang Mai, I get to watch squirrels on my balcony, count birds outside my window, eat food that comes with flowers, send emails among trees while drinking homemade honey lemon tea and basking my skin in the sunset.
I’m staying in a quiet Airbnb with a giant wooden writing desk - a writer’s dream!
I’m breathing freedom in and out of my lungs.
It is so, so delicious!
I had wanted to experience the nomadic freedom life for years. And for years, I brushed it aside with the unquestioned default narrative: “It’s impossible.” (Watch out: limiting belief!)
I remember one afternoon early this year, as I was on my way to the grocery store to pick up some eggs, I had a Eureka moment.
I got skeptical of my own limiting belief.
“Wait... Maybe it is not ‘impossible.’”
“What if it is possible? Even just a little bit?”
Something clicked in my brain.
Though I was fully dressed, I wanted to run around the streets shouting my discovery panty-less. The power of questioning your own belief.
That’s the moment that my brain cracked open so the light of a new possibility could enter my life.
And now as I’m typing these words under a curtain of fern leaves, having just finished another plate of flower-decorated food, and another cup of honey lemon tea, the possibility of the life I’m living feels like “Duh of course it is.”
The possible-ness of this life is similar to the possible-ness of a potato.
How strange.
My work station one late afternoon
What I do with every coaching client at the beginning of my work with them is to make them play a game.
I ask them to time travel to the future where they have created a life they love. They then need to call me and tell me all the amazing things they are having, doing, feeling, experiencing in that life.
Their body posture instantly shifts. They sit taller. Their faces relax and soften. They are glowing and coming alive right in front of me. This happens when they’re plugged into the truth of their being.
But after the game when they get back to “reality”, their energy tends to shrink.
Doubts start to creep in. They’re afraid. Afraid of change, of failure, of success, of disappointment, of upsetting their parents, of going broke...
What I try to tell them is the fact that they see that vision is proof that the essence of that vision is meant for them.
The same way an acorn can only envision an oak tree, not a banana tree.
So for you. If you want to live the freedompreneur life: wander and roam the world, your office tucked neatly in your backpack.
And if everyone around is telling you it’s not possible.
You can tell them: “I respectfully do not care.” Or you can lovingly say to them: “Watch me.”
The life you want is meant for you. (Unless what you have in mind is to permanently live on mount Everest dressing like a cuttlefish - in which case, feel free to prove me wrong.)
Hold onto your dream and believe in the impossible.
Because it is potato-level possible. And because your desire is sacred. Your desire is life yearning for itself.
Don’t deny it, for the love of all things.
This doesn’t mean it won’t take serious commitment and some growth pain to get there.
But trust me, the “getting there” is its own reward.
With every step you take, you‘ll come alive as you reclaim the truth of who you are and why you are here.
Remember: you are a beautiful miracle, and you can truly shine your light.
Free yourself from the fear of disappointing others