7 Principles to Create a Career or Business you Love

7 principles to kick start a career or business you love

It was August 2014 when, after 2 months of soul-searching, I decided to kickstart my passion project: a personal development blog called Life Written.

I didn’t know that it would lead to me becoming an entrepreneur: building my own yoga & wellness center, having an art studio, and later on, running a coaching business with a client base spanning 12 countries.

Looking back, it has been 6 years of epic adventure with highs and lows, and precious lessons. I have, of course, made a lot of painful mistakes. Back then, there were moments when I felt so desperately stuck, wishing someone were there to be my guide.

So I hope these 7 lessons can be that guide for you, helping you shine your light brighter. The world needs it.

1. Be the creator

Your ideal job or business probably doesn’t exist - yet. To do the work that lights you up and unleashes your potentials, you need to create it - yourself.

Think of yourself as the creator, the artist of your work - create it step by step, each day, with intention, patience, courage, and self-awareness.

You do not need to have everything figured out.

2. Dare to be YOU

Your work is unique because you are unique. Do not look to others for a definition of success or the "best” way to do things. Look within. Only you get to define what success looks like and how you work best.

3. Work with purpose

Create a business or career where you can…

be aligned with your values
use your strengths & talents
pursue your passions
follow your calling to make a difference

This is how you live your purpose through your work.

Sometimes it might be tempting to compromise your purpose for immediate profit. However, it’s never worth it.

Whenever you sense that your work is off-purpose. Make the necessary adjustment to get back to your purpose, be it to change the niche, let go of a certain client, remove or add new services or anything else.


Building your soul’s work is the journey of your life. You do not need to have everything figured out.

I repeat: you do not need to have everything figured out.

Dare to experiment. Focus on what’s in front of you. Do it, and the path will continue to reveal itself.

Dare to decide. Sometimes your choice will lead to a win. Other times, it’ll bring you the exact learning you need. Sometimes, it takes you to a pivot.

You are allowed to change your mind when you need.

Nevertheless, what Steve Jobs said is true:

Keep looking. Don't settle. “

You cannot get to where you want by beating yourself up for being where you are.

5. Be kind to yourself

You cannot get to where you want by beating yourself up for being where you are.

Nothing is ever a waste. Honor the timing of your journey.

When you need to rest, rest. Work with your inner rhythm. Look at nature, there are summer days where you’re vibrating with energy. There are winter days when you want to tuck yourself in a blanket. Those days are good too.

Dare to experiment. Focus on what’s in front of you. Do it, and the path will continue to reveal itself.

6. One baby step at a time

My favorite ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao Tsu, said:

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step.”

I would respectfully add: “The journey of a thousand miles is walked one baby step at a time.”

When you notice yourself getting caught up in perfection, indecision, over-thinking, and analysis-paralysis, take a deep breath and ask yourself:

What is the one tiny thing I can do to move forward?”

Be both an eagle and a mouse. The eagle sees things from high up. This is you knowing the big vision of your work and life. But that’s alone will take you nowhere.

You need to know how to be a mouse: see what’s right in front of your face, and solve one interesting problem at a time.

7. Have trust in life & get grateful

How many times have the worst things that ever happened to you turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to you?

There is a hidden blessing in any catastrophe. So when you find yourself being too tense, put on Bob Marley’s Don’t Worry Be Happy and relax a little.

Learn to trust the journey and let go of what you can’t control.

Everything will truly be okay in the end. Because the Universe has your back. Life loves you.

Be grateful for what you have. Gratitude - not anxiety - is the signature energy to manifest your desires. (The Law of Attraction. I still don’t know exactly how it works, but it does.)

Always remember: you are a beautiful miracle, and you can truly shine your light.

Milena xo

P.S: finding purpose

It takes some soul-searching to get the clarity you need to follow Principle #3: Work with Purpose

I’ve made a gorgeous 15-page Purpose Finder Workbook to help you discover your unique purpose. Download below!
