3 Money Mindset Shifts Every Coach Needs to Unlock Their Income Potential
My business partner and I are sitting on the balcony outside our yoga studio. From the main studio room, we can hear the joyous chatters of our students.
All of us just came back from a weekend retreat in nature.
The retreat itself was beautiful. As the organizer, my partner and I took care of every detail and offered a unique experience for our students.
But now we’re sitting here on the balcony feeling a doom mixture of exhaustion and emptiness.
For all of our hard work, for hundreds of hours spent on preparing and delivering the retreat, we made less than 40 dollars.
We had to sit out here to hide our disappointment. We didn’t want to spoil the joy of our students. It wasn’t their fault that the retreat was a financial failure.
It was our fault. To be more accurate, it was my fault.
I was the founder and owner of the studio.
And I know the reason why we failed: I just didn’t want to deal with the money aspect of the retreat.
I pushed this responsibility to my business partner, whose strengths were in organization and logistics, not in business strategy. So she, being a kind-hearted person, priced the retreat just to cover the expenses.
That moment on the balcony 7 years ago was the first time I realized that when it came to financial sustainability, I was the biggest bottleneck of my business.
Fast forward to today, I’ve come a long way. I’m leading a thriving, 6-year-strong coaching business with a global clientele and team.
The financial struggle I experienced with the yoga studio was a great teacher. It forced me to become conscious of the money side of my coaching business right from the start.
There’s a truth every heart-centered changemaker needs to know:
No matter how passionate you are about what you do. And no matter how good you are at it. If you don’t know how to earn a sustainable living doing your work, you cannot help people.
This is a hard truth to swallow. It took years for me to truly get it.
But like necessary medicine, the earlier you take it, the faster you’ll have the freedom and impact you want.
Shortly after starting my coaching business,, I remember having a latte with my coach in the lobby of his office building.
One of the first things I told him was that I didn’t feel comfortable charging for my coaching services.
He looked me in the eyes and said:
“You're afraid because you’re making it all about you.”
I blinked: “So charging for my work is also about the client?”
I tightened my brows, struggling to connect the dots.
“Yes. When a client invests in themselves through getting coaching, they’re committed to making the change. And the more result you can help them create.” He said.
That was the first major mindset shift that helped me build a purpose-driven business that thrives financially.
Whether or not you’re just starting out in coaching or have been doing it for a while. Making these major mindset shifts will expand your potential for income, and ultimately impact.
Because remember, without income, the long-term impact isn’t possible.
Here are the 3 major money mindset shifts coaches need to expand their income potential :
The old mindset: “Charging a high value for my service is selfish”
When you are compensated fairly and generously for your work. You’ll feel inspired to show up and be your absolute best for the clients. Otherwise, sooner or later, resentment will appear.
If you charge a low price for your service because you’re afraid of rejection or being ‘expensive,’ you’re making a decision from a place of fear instead of thinking about your financial wellbeing and business long-term impact. And - I say this with love - isn’t that being ego-driven (aka selfish?)
I want to be very clear here that when I say to charge a high value, I don’t mean to quote an outrageous amount for the sake of money.
I’m talking about quoting a service that feels fair and expansive. A number that makes you feel elevated to up your coaching game be at your best for your clients.
I’m talking about not letting limiting beliefs, money wounds, unworthiness, fears, and imposter syndromes get in the way when you strategically make the pricing decision for your service.
Pricing is a strategic business decision. Unfortunately, most heart-centered coaches let their complicated feelings get in the way.
The shift: “I make pricing decisions strategically. So I can make a sustainable impact through my business.”
The old mindset: “Making money from helping people is wrong.”
You’d be surprised how many coaches I’ve coached have this mindset. I understand, I felt the same way too.
Early on I had a sense of “wrongness” when asking for money in exchange for my coaching. I feel that charging money puts a big black stain on my pure intention.
If this is how you feel too, know that this belief comes from our subconscious association between money and “dirtiness”.
How often do we hear the phrase ‘dirty money’ and ‘filthy rich’?
How not often do we hear phrases like ‘divine money,’ ‘purposeful money’, ‘ happy money’, ‘lovingly rich’?
I invite you to come here and make loads of happy, purposeful, divine money with me.
Let’s get so lovingly rich that together we mobilize the world’s financial resources towards healing the earth and its people instead of destroying it.
If you’re a heart-centered changemaker, if you’re serious about making a big difference in the world, it’s your responsibility to learn how to command big money.
Before we get too lofty, let us not forget that we are spiritual beings in physical bodies.
And our physical bodies need to eat.
When you earn an abundant living doing work you love, you can do it for the long term (thinking for the rest of your life kind of long term!) The longer you can do your work, the more people can benefit from it.
When you know that your financial wellbeing is thriving, you have more capacity to create free quality content for those who truly can’t afford your coaching program, offer scholarships, volunteer your time, and donate to charity.
Everybody wins.
The shift: “The more money I make, the more people I can help. Money is a powerful resource to make a real difference in this world.”
The limiting belief: “The more money clients need to pay for me. The less is left for them.”
Every second of every day, people spend money.
Your potential clients will spend their money anyway.
They will either spend it on coping with the misery of not living their truth or on living their truth.
When you offer a coaching program that helps people to move towards their dreams. You’re offering an opportunity for people to direct their financial resources to create the life they want.
Money is a powerful energy.
When people direct not only the energy of their attention and effort but also the energy of money to the life they want, they’re taking quantum leaps towards it.
And you can be their guide on that journey.
The shift: “As my clients invest in their growth through working with me, they open the portal to receive abundance in 10 folds and more.”
There you have it, the 3 major mindset shifts to unlock your potential for income and impact. Save it with you to read again when insecurity gets in the way.
Now go out there and make divine, happy money doing work you love. Get soulfully, lovingly, wholeheartedly rich.
And let’s change the world, together.
Because we’re born to shine. The world needs our light.
P.S: Go from surviving to thriving with my support
If you’ve been feeling the pull to work with me, now is the time to act.
I’ve been fully booked from December last year until now. And I’m having a few openings for my 1-on-1 coaching program starting in May 2022.
As a result of our work, my clients have gone from doubting themselves and playing small to making real money and getting booked out as they implement my step-by-step framework to launch and grow their coaching businesses.
Creating the level of freedom and impact they only once dreamed of.
Apply for a free breakthrough session today to explore.
Breakthrough Session is a 60-minute high-value, no-string-attached coaching session where I help you get clear on:
What’s truly holding you back
What you really want
The roadmap to overcome your current challenges and achieve your goals
At the end of this session, if there’s a real fit, we can discuss the possibility of a coaching program. If not, I’ll recommend you another resource.
This is an opportunity to get radical clarity on your path.
I only offer 3 Breakthrough Sessions each month, apply for your free spot now.
Writer, life purpose coach, personal brand & business mentor for new coaches - and most importantly: an unstoppable LightFinder dedicated to helping you shine.
“Milena has an arsenal of techniques which she deploys to help you overcome the challenges you're addressing each session, and guides you to listen to your soul to discover the truth yourself.”
- Arnina Moore
“I couldn’t imagine that just after 2 months, I’ve uncovered my true purpose. My life feels meaningful. And just picturing myself helping the world by doing what I love makes me want to cry.”
- Katherine Nguyen
“Milena helped me to increase my confidence and to break limiting beliefs on my path of transitioning from a safe job towards founding my own business… Within 3 months I have created a thought through business plan, tested product packages and the first steps taken to initiate my business.”
- Alexandra Enke
“Milena guided me through a powerful ride in which I was brave to embrace my negative emotions, to work on my weaknesses, and to fully understand my gifts to the world. I am working to set-up my own business, ready to utilize my talents to help others." - My Nguyen