5 Things I Wish I Knew 5 Years Ago When I Started Coaching
The water is running down my head now. My eyes are closed. My ears hear the sound of water hitting the tile floor.
I’m standing in the shower in the middle of the day because I need to cool myself down. Desperately.
Earlier this morning, I did something outrageous.
I dared to ask for 48 dollars.
From a client who needed my support over a 12-week coaching program.
A month ago, I finally took the leap of becoming a coach. My life partner is supportive. But he isn’t a coach so he can’t show me how to become a successful one.
I’m not lonely. But I feel alone. There are so many things I don’t know and no one around me understands.
So I’m hiding here in the shower with my heart in my throat, hoping my biggest nightmare won’t come true: I’ll disappoint my clients, and more importantly myself...
Fast forward to today, my business is thriving in both income and impact.
I’ve worked with clients in 14 countries. I love what I do so much I could wag my tail if I have one. I adore my clients. I have a small, dedicated team and we manage to laugh our asses off every single weekly meeting.
I live in a beautiful home overlooking a green hill where starlings circle every sunset. I work from my sunlit home office. And I can go downstairs to snuggle my 10-month baby girl whenever I want.
If you wonder why I don’t talk about my coaching work on social media often, that’s because I don’t need to. Clients come to me, committed and willing to invest.
This November is my 5 year coaching anniversary.
If I could come back in time and speak to the 26-year-old Milena standing afraid in the shower, here are what I’d say:
The money you make doing purposeful work is happy money. And the Universe wants you to have a lot of it.
1. Give yourself permission to earn abundantly doing what you love.
It is safe and kind and spiritual to make a lot of money. Yes, you heard me right.
The money you make doing purposeful work is happy money. And the Universe wants you to have a lot of it.
There’s unlimited abundance for everyone. Charging your clients doesn’t mean less for them. It means more for everyone involved.
As your clients choose to invest in themselves, their lives, and businesses by working with you, abundance returns to them at least 10 folds.
Putting a price on your service doesn’t make you a bad person. You are offering opportunities for your clients to invest in themselves - and through that - commit to their dream in a big way.
2. the relationships you have with your audience is everything.
I know you’re feeling overwhelmed by a million things to do. And I know you’ll try to do a million things all at once.
But until you can hire a team, you’re a one-woman show.
That’s why you need to ask yourself The One Thing question often: What is The One Thing I can do to sustainably grow my coaching business?
A lot of time you’ll find the answer to be: growing the relationships with your audience.
The relationship you have with your audience is the foundation of your business. Keep providing values to your existing audience. And expanding your audience pool.
You do that by being authentic, telling your stories, and creating content that resonates.
Perfectionism and fear of judgment will make you stuck. But the right community, guidance, and clarity of your message will help you show up.
You grow relationships with your audience by being authentic, telling your stories, and creating content that resonates.
3. You need help.
I know you don’t like to hear this.
I know there were moments in your childhood when you needed help but no one was there for you. So you learned to not trust others with your needs. You’re afraid of being disappointed.
But this fear-based way of living is tiring and lonely. And it just doesn’t work.
Get support, get support early.
Don’t wait until you’ve lost 10,000 dollars to hire a business coach. (Side note: That really did happen to me.)
The free support is nice. But trust yourself enough to invest real money in yourself too!
It sends out a huge vibration to the Universe that you’re committed. And once you’re, the Universe conspires to make things happen for you.
You’ll make investments that you never dream possible. And every single one of them will return 10 folds.
Intuition is your strength. Trust your gut to evaluate whether an investment opportunity is right. And go for it. Be bold! Fear and hesitation are unnecessary.
4. You get good at coaching by coaching.
I know you feel like you need a million coaching certifications to be legit.
Coach training has its place. But it’s also a cozy place to hide.
You need to step out. Offer your service and work with real paying clients. That’s how you become confident and skilled and ‘legit’.
You’re born with the gifts of empathy and intuition. You’ve traveled the journey you want to guide your clients through. Those are your 3 superpowers. Start using them now.
Your imperfection is a gift. It means you can look at your clients and readers in the eyes and truly say: “I get it. I was there.”
5. You’re enough already.
You’ve heard this one before. And you need to hear it again.
I know you’re feeling like a fraud, thinking you shouldn’t coach others and share your stories because you haven’t gotten your life figured out.
But you don’t need to be perfect. You shouldn’t.
Your imperfection is a gift. It means you can look at your clients and readers in the eyes and truly say: “I get it. I was there.”
You only need to be 10% ahead to be of service.
Don’t try to be the master. They don’t need a master because they already have one: within them.
What your clients and community need is a partner on the journey. Someone who reminds them of the power they already have.
After all, it’s not just about you. (So get over yourself, my love!)
It’s about the people who you’re born to serve.
Your mission is sacred. And as you walk with your clients and community, the Universe is there with you every step of the way.
Be grateful for the 48 dollars. But the next time, be bold and ask for what you truly deserve.
Now go out there. Coach your asses off.
Here's a secret most new coaches don't know about building a sustainable coaching business: the key is knowing exactly who you’re serving.
Having absolute clarity on your ideal client allows you to approach them, communicate your message effectively, and enroll the right clients for your business - confidently and effortlessly.
That's why I created Unlocking Your Coaching Genius - a course that guides you through my proven, step-by-step process to locate your unique genius as a coach, define your soul-aligned and profitable coaching niche, and make your communication a magnet to the clients you were born to serve.
Writer, life purpose coach, personal brand & business mentor for new coaches - and most importantly: an unstoppable LightFinder dedicated to helping you shine.
“Milena has an arsenal of techniques which she deploys to help you overcome the challenges you're addressing each session, and guides you to listen to your soul to discover the truth yourself.”
- Arnina Moore
“I couldn’t imagine that just after 2 months, I’ve uncovered my true purpose. My life feels meaningful. And just picturing myself helping the world by doing what I love makes me want to cry.”
- Katherine Nguyen
“Milena helped me to increase my confidence and to break limiting beliefs on my path of transitioning from a safe job towards founding my own business… Within 3 months I have created a thought through business plan, tested product packages and the first steps taken to initiate my business.”
- Alexandra Enke
“Milena guided me through a powerful ride in which I was brave to embrace my negative emotions, to work on my weaknesses, and to fully understand my gifts to the world. I am working to set-up my own business, ready to utilize my talents to help others." - My Nguyen
12 reasons why I wasn’t meant to have a successful coaching business (and how I succeed instead)