The Real Reason Behind My Coaching Business's Instant Success
5 years ago, shortly after closing down my yoga studio, getting married, and moving to Singapore, I launched my coaching business.
It felt like I was rebuilding my life from scratch.
To my amazement (and shock), within just 3 months, my business reached the 6-figure-month mark, creating USD 8,000 + in monthly revenue. I was running in-depth, high-level coaching programs.
(Now, to be fully transparent with you: the revenue didn’t stay steady after that. I was a newbie coach-preneur making newbie mistakes and I just didn’t know what I know now.
Still, even with the fluctuating revenue in those first 2 years, my coaching business has always given me a beautiful living right from the start.)
Anyway, back to that ‘instant success.’
I was puzzled by it.
Why? How did it happen? Was it luck? Good karma?
Until I realized the real reason behind: I didn’t build my coaching business from scratch.
I built my coaching business on the solid foundation of a strong personal brand and an engaged audience.
For 2 years prior to the coaching business launch, I had been consistently blogging on my website and sharing content on social media.
Back then, blog writing was my creative expression. I didn’t have any offers to my growing readership. When I shared about my coaching programs, they were SO ready to explore.
If you’re a new coach, or if you aspire to become a coach one day, this doesn’t mean you must blog for 2 years before launching your coaching business.
But this does mean in order to have a thriving business, you need to build your brand and grow an audience who knows, likes, and trusts you.
In my experience, the best way to do that is through content writing.
But not just any kind of content.
When it comes to growing your brand and audience as a coach, not all content is created equal.
The most effective written content to grow your brand and audience is original, educational, and story-based.
Think of these 3 elements as the holy trinity of content writing.
Why original?
Nothing builds your influence better than sharing your own point of view, experience, and wisdom with others.
Don’t read 10 articles online and reiterate what you found. Share your own thoughts.
This doesn’t mean you must be an ‘expert’, or have everything figured out (hint: no one does!) This simply means you share your authentic journey: your struggles, discoveries, and lessons with others.
Why story-based?
Nothing helps others connect with you faster than telling them an authentic story. But you don’t have to have impressive stories to capture your reader's attention.
When it comes to storytelling, it’s all about how you tell the story. A trip to IKDEA well-told will keep your readers at the edge of their seats.
On the contrary, a near-death experience poorly told will send them to bed.
The key to good storytelling isn’t fancy vocabulary but structure.
I’ve made you a gift called Fill-In-The-Blank 5-Part Story Structure template to help you craft a compelling story without going all over the place.
Download it right here:
Why educational?
When you’re a coach (or want to become one), don’t stop at making the readers like you in a fuzzy way. Take a step further to help them see you as their coach, a.k.a someone who can help them make positive changes in their lives.
This doesn’t mean you need a Ph.D. and give a lecture about the topic.
Share a tool, a data point, a resource, a 3-step exercise, or one journaling question - whatever you believe the readers can benefit from.
That way, the experience your readers have with you doesn’t stop at the end of your article. It follows them to their lives. That’s how you build deep relationships.
But why write? Why not podcast? Video? Livestream? or…TIKTOK?!
I hear you.
If your zone of genius is genuinely in talking and not writing… Sure, go make a podcast, a video show, and Livestream to your heart’s desire!
But if you’re sitting there with your arms crossed thinking: “But I’m not a writer. I’m terrible at writing.” I’m 99.8% sure that isn’t true.
Most of us carry limiting beliefs about our ability to write because of the way writing was taught (which, let’s be real, sucks.)
Schools put our inner writers in hibernation mode. The good thing is, we can wake her up.
In the therapeutic writing classes I’ve taught, all students were amazed by how easily they were able to write when given the right method.
Besides, there are a vast amount of people who prefer reading to watching or listening. I myself am one of them.
If you’re on the introversion spectrum, you may find written content the easiest way to get started.
Writing doesn’t require fancy equipment and time-consuming editing. It just needs you.
Plus, written content can be easily turned into a podcast episode or a video.
More than that, write enough blog articles and they can become a book. (which was exactly how I got my first and second book deal.)
Imagine putting together a vlogger, a podcast host, and an author. Which one brings more authority?
(Isn’t it obvious? There’s author in authority.)
Whether you’re already a coach or you won’t become a coach until 2 years from now, consistently writing and sharing original, educational, story-based content gives your endeavor the fertile ground for growth.
The best time to start content writing is yesterday. The second best time is now.
To start growing your brand and audience through content-writing…
ask yourself these 3 important questions:
1. Who am I writing to?
If you’re writing to everyone. You’re writing to no one. Get specific. For example, instead of “women”, go for “driven women in their early 20s who want a thriving career but struggle with self-confidence and self-worth.”
2. What do they need to know to solve their problems and reach their desires?
Make a big brainstorming party, ‘vomit’ out 40 ideas. And then trim down to a list of 10 topics. Hooray, you have something to write about now.
3. When in my calendar can I regularly make time for writing and who do I want in my Content-Writing Success Team?
If it’s not in your calendar, it’s not real. Schedule time for content writing is one of the best time investments you can make to grow your business.
Here’s a beautiful paradox: because writing is a solitary act, it needs the support structure of a community. The number one reason for new content writers to give up isn’t the lack of discipline but the lack of support.
Creativity isn’t born in a vacuum, neither is courage.
And you need both to go far with your writing.
Finally, remind yourself of this truth (because you’ll forget): You are born to shine, the world needs your light.
Here's a secret most new coaches don't know about building a sustainable coaching business: the key is knowing exactly who you’re serving.
Having absolute clarity on your ideal client allows you to approach them, communicate your message effectively, and enroll the right clients for your business - confidently and effortlessly.
That's why I created Unlocking Your Coaching Genius - a course that guides you through my proven, step-by-step process to locate your unique genius as a coach, define your soul-aligned and profitable coaching niche, and make your communication a magnet to the clients you were born to serve.
I’m on a mission to help change-makers write inspiring content and launch thriving coaching businesses. So they can make the impact they were born for.
I’m also a mother, a writer, and most importantly: an unstoppable LightFinder dedicated to helping you shine.
“Milena has an arsenal of techniques which she deploys to help you overcome the challenges you're addressing each session, and guides you to listen to your soul to discover the truth yourself.”
- Arnina Moore
“I couldn’t imagine that just after 2 months, I’ve uncovered my true purpose. My life feels meaningful. And just picturing myself helping the world by doing what I love makes me want to cry.”
- Katherine Nguyen
“Milena helped me to increase my confidence and to break limiting beliefs on my path of transitioning from a safe job towards founding my own business… Within 3 months I have created a thought through business plan, tested product packages and the first steps taken to initiate my business.”
- Alexandra Enke
“Milena guided me through a powerful ride in which I was brave to embrace my negative emotions, to work on my weaknesses, and to fully understand my gifts to the world. I am working to set-up my own business, ready to utilize my talents to help others." - My Nguyen
12 reasons why I wasn’t meant to have a successful coaching business (and how I succeed instead)