5 Timeless Principles to Help Coaches Avoid Being On a Social Media Treadmill
“What channels are better to use and attract more engagement?”
“How to create a viral Reel?”
I’ve received many questions like this from aspiring coaches when they start creating content on social media and making offers for their coaching program.
There's a lot of noise out there when it comes to social media.
Many people will tell you to do different things on social media, but these might not bring real results for your business.
Almost every quarter, month, or even day, there’s a new trend in what types of content Instagram prefers and are likely to show up on other user’s feeds.
Or what hashtags we can use to attract more people.
Or, using a small amount of money, you can have +1000 followers and likes for your posts.
Trying to keep up with trends can be exhausting and time-consuming.
And some of that knowledge can be useful to some extent.
However, for me, it's better to focus on timeless principles that bring real results with greater ease, regardless of market trends.
Here are my proven timeless principles that I’ve always applied for my business so that even though I don’t even have the Tiktok channel, don’t have any viral reels, I might not have many engagement posts or bunches of followers like some business coaches,
but in the past seven years, my programs have always been fully booked, which has easily led me to a six-figure business.
It’s better to focus on timeless principles that bring real results with greater ease, regardless of market trends.
The proven timeless principles are:
Define your message:
Your message has two components: your point of view and your unique value proposition.
Your point of view is the big message of your brand.
What is the greater purpose behind your brand beyond just yourself and your products/services?
What is something in our society, culture, and the world that your brand is pushing against and fighting for your customers, as these things in our culture are not good for them?
For example, in the coaching business industry, our company is pushing the fact that many people have to sell their joy and freedom for a paycheck and feel trapped in corporate life, which hurts their mental health in the process.
And the coaching industry hasn't quite caught up with the kind of support it needs to provide for coaches to be sustainable.
That's why we're here to bridge that gap.
My methodology only focuses on what matters most at each business stage so it can create impact and bring freedom for coaches.
When coaches can have a sustainable coaching business, they'll stay longer and work at their best on this journey. The world will then be healed by having more happy coaches.
As you see, this is bigger than our programs.
So how about you? What's that you're pushing against and fighting against together with your customers?
The second part of your message is the unique value proposition.
What distinguishes your approach from that of others who want to serve the same types of customers as you?
What makes you the best person to serve your soulmate clients?
When you're clear about this, your content has a very good direction. This makes you stand out and attracts your soulmate clients.
As you can see, this is what makes your clients come to you, not the trends.
Talking about the trends, I also want to emphasize them more by explaining the reason we don't recommend you do that in the number 2 below.
Don't chase trends
The social media industry sucks, as it's owned by giant corporations that want to make a huge profit for themselves.
They need many people on their social media platforms to make a profit.
However, they don't create their own content, so they need you to create content for them.
So, many times, all these reports about new trends, like Facebook prefers you to post an album or tomorrow, Instagram prefers Reel, are not there to serve you. It's there to serve the social media company.
The more you chase the trends, the more time you spend on social media, the more content you create for them.
Therefore, more people will stay on social media longer, and advertisers will be able to sell more ads.
So don't fall for any of those trends.
If there is something new that you want to try because it feels fun for you, sure, go for that. That's your creative pleasure.
However, it's not about the latest format or trends. At the end of the day, it's back to your MESSAGE.
When you're clear about your message, create a content strategy with business objectives to show up intentionally on social media.
Your main business objectives are not to have the most viral reels or posts or gain +1000 followers on social media.
Your main business objectives are to enroll clients so you can truly transform their lives in a deeper way or build your mailing list.
Your mailing list is the biggest asset for your business in the long run, as it allows you to build deeper connections with those who are interested in your work.
Every time I send an email, I know from the report that at least 30% of my audience will open it. However, with social media, I don't know who will see it, maybe less than 5% or less, as it depends on the algorithmic preferences of each platform at any given time.
You don't want to build your long-term business on this kind of land.
When coaches can have a sustainable coaching business, they'll stay longer and work at their best on this journey. The world will then be healed by having more happy coaches.
Commit to one channel
If you're a new coach, choose one channel that you truly enjoy and where your ideal customer is most active.
I know some coaches who create a new channel that nobody knows about, nobody follows, and who then build their coaching business from there.
I totally advise against it.
I advise you to start talking about your work and promote it to whoever you already have the following, even if it's friends, family, and colleagues, because either you'll find your first customer in your network, or your network will help you find your first customers.
So don't go away and hide.
Sometimes, we sabotage ourselves.
We don't want people to see our stuff, so we create brand new social media because no one's there, and we feel safe. But that's still hiding. We're making it harder for our soulmate clients to find us physically and energetically.
If you have a fear of judgment, you need to get some coaching to move through that and have a "do-it-afraid" spirit.
So, choose a channel or platform on which you already have some visibility and some connections and build it from there.
I know people say that quality over quantity.
But if you put out a very good post once a year, it's gonna be crooked.
So consistency does matter.
You don't have to post multiple times a day, every day of the week (Again, some marketing advice out there might encourage you to do that).
If you know your message and your audience well, your post can still do very well with a starting schedule of 2 to 3 times a week.
And slowly, you can work up to once every weekday, for example.
Collect your content ideas
Have a simple system to collect your content ideas.
I recommend the Note App on your iPhone or any Note App you have on your phone. This is the place where you collect all of your content ideas.
So whenever you have content ideas during the day, you can just write them down quickly.
You don't need to sit down and write the whole content right here and then, as that will not be effective. Just write out the idea for later and then schedule time in a week (2-3 hours) to write 2-3 posts that you can schedule for that week.
We don't want people to see our stuff, so we create brand new social media because no one's there, and we feel safe. But that's still hiding. We're making it harder for our soulmate clients to find us physically and energetically.
These are my proven timeless principles. It might take time for you to learn and apply it.
However, once you do, you’ve built a strong foundation for your content strategy and can use social media effectively, regardless of trends.
What’s your biggest takeaway from this article? Share your thoughts in the comment section below. I’m excited to hear from you.
P.S. If you want my support to kickstart and grow your coaching business with ease while honoring who you are, I invite you to explore my flagship program - Impact Coaching Circle (ICC).
ICC isn’t open for enrollment yet. Join the waitlist here and we’ll let you know soon when it’s open.
P.S.S. Find this post helpful for some coaches? Help me share this article with them, it can save them tons of time and money wasted on the social media treadmill.
I help YOU get paid to change the world.
Hey, fellow purpose-driven human!
I’m Milena. When I was 24, I said no to corporate job offers to “do my own thing.”
9 years, some major fumbles, 3 TEDx Talks, 1 published book, 50,000 followers, and hundreds of clients (from 15+ countries) later…
I make a multi-six-figure living as a coach while spending most of my time walking barefoot in my apartment. #introvertgoal
I know you want to make a difference.
I’m here to help you turn that calling into a financially sustainable coaching business — while staying away from the hustle, and skipping the pitfalls that trip up most new coaches.
Quit your 9-to-5. Move to a paradise island. Slow yoga every morning. Work from sunlit cafes. Make time for loved ones (including yourself). Grow your influence. Wake up excited about your day. And serve only the clients who light you up…
All of that (and more!) is possible, once you have the right support.
Let me help you shine.
12 reasons why I wasn’t meant to have a successful coaching business (and how I succeed instead)